The truth about processed foods
You’ve probably heard that it’s best to reduce your intake of “processed foods” for healthy eating, and increase your intake of whole foods for optimal health.
You’ve probably heard that it’s best to reduce your intake of “processed foods” for healthy eating, and increase your intake of whole foods for optimal health.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” We’re all familiar with this quote attributed to Hippocrates, and we all know the huge impact our food choices have on our health.
You’ve certainly heard about the anti-inflammatory diet before and the benefits it could have on your body.
Herbs and spices have so many benefits and are such an easy way of getting in lots of nutrients.
Your body is about 60% water, so it’s really important that you drink enough water daily!
Nowadays, it seems like just eating healthy and balanced meals isn’t enough. Filling up your cart with fresh fruit and vegetables? Not so fast— they better be organic!
Food combining is a myth, but there are some instances where certain foods should be eaten together or separately for optimal benefits.
Carbohydrates have been getting quite the bad press lately and the low-carb diets are on the rise.
Time for the truth on another highly controversial food: SOY!
Some people see soy as a high-protein, nutrient-dense food with a lot of health benefits, and make sure that soy products always have a spot on their plate.
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