Can balanced eating and intuitive eating coexist?
Contrary to popular belief, intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating whatever you want whenever you want.
Contrary to popular belief, intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating whatever you want whenever you want.
If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you probably know that I eat intuitively and love to promote this way of eating. This has led to many questions surrounding weight, with people wondering whether or not it was possible to lose weight with intuitive eating.
It’s an all too common cycle: you wake up, eat breakfast on the go while you hurry to work, grab a sandwich between two meetings…
The practice of intuitive eating has been blowing up these past years, and for a good reason. People are tired of spending their time counting their calories, tracking their macros, and playing yo-yo with their weight.
The holiday season will be here before you know it! While this certainly calls for joy and celebration, it may also make those who watch their food intake a little anxious
Do you find it hard to know when to eat and when to stop eating? Do you wish you could stop eating to the point of feeling overly full and sick?
Intuitive eating is basically the opposite of dieting. It’s an evidence-based approach that frees you from food rules and restrictions.
More and more people are turning to the holistic approach for optimal health and nutrition instead of dieting and cutting calories— and it’s great! But what is holistic nutrition and how can you apply it to your everyday life?
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