How to gain weight in a healthy way
While some people struggle to lose weight, others find it difficult to gain weight in a healthy way.

Can balanced eating and intuitive eating coexist?
Contrary to popular belief, intuitive eating doesn’t mean eating whatever you want whenever you want.

How to become vegetarian: A BEGINNER’S GUIDE.
Ever since learning that I am vegetarian, a lot of you have been asking for tips on how to become vegetarian.

Why is nutrition information so controversial?
There’s so much conflicting information about nutrition. You’ll hear that you need to be eating plenty of fruit and veggies, and then read about how they’re filled with pesticides and antinutrients.

Reverse dieting: can you lose weight by eating more?
It sounds too good to be true: a diet where you eat more food in order to lose weight. This is the concept of reverse dieting.

Organic food vs non-organic food: which is better?
Nowadays, it seems like just eating healthy and balanced meals isn’t enough. Filling up your cart with fresh fruit and vegetables? Not so fast— they better be organic!

How to overcome emotional eating (forever!)
After a long and stressful day at work, it can be tempting to snack on cookies while scrolling through your phone or to order pizza while watching Netflix. Turning to food for comfort is a very natural thing called emotional eating.

Easy tips to eat healthy without restriction!
It’s no secret that healthy eating is of utmost importance for your general health and happiness. But sometimes, it can be a little difficult.

Can you ACTUALLY lose weight with intuitive eating?
If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you probably know that I eat intuitively and love to promote this way of eating. This has led to many questions surrounding weight, with people wondering whether or not it was possible to lose weight with intuitive eating.