Why you should stop calorie counting
We all know what calorie counting looks like, and often it isn’t fun. So what if I told you it was actually better to stop calorie counting to lose weight?
We all know what calorie counting looks like, and often it isn’t fun. So what if I told you it was actually better to stop calorie counting to lose weight?
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that there isn’t a single diet that I really encourage.
Nowadays, it seems like just eating healthy and balanced meals isn’t enough. Filling up your cart with fresh fruit and vegetables? Not so fast— they better be organic!
If you’ve been reading my articles or watching my videos for a while, then you know that I don’t recommend dieting as an effective tool for weight loss.
“Plant foods have a ton of antinutrients, and they are bad for you!!”
Can we even eat anything anymore?
Time for the truth on another highly controversial food: SOY!
Some people see soy as a high-protein, nutrient-dense food with a lot of health benefits, and make sure that soy products always have a spot on their plate.
Going gluten-free has become increasingly popular these past few years. Gluten-free products are flourishing and gluten is getting banned from a lot of peoples’ plates.
“If there’s anything you can’t pronounce on your food label, then it shouldn’t be going into your body!”
Is food combining a myth or a fact?
With so many different food trends to keep up with, I know things can get rather confusing. New nutrition rules pop up one day and are banned the next. Yesterday’s healthy foods are today’s junk food, and vice-versa.
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