Reverse dieting: can you lose weight by eating more?
It sounds too good to be true: a diet where you eat more food in order to lose weight. This is the concept of reverse dieting.
It sounds too good to be true: a diet where you eat more food in order to lose weight. This is the concept of reverse dieting.
If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you probably know that I eat intuitively and love to promote this way of eating. This has led to many questions surrounding weight, with people wondering whether or not it was possible to lose weight with intuitive eating.
Do you feel like, despite all your best efforts to lose weight, you always seem to gain it right back?
Well, it may be because of the set point theory, according to which your body has a genetically determined weight range that it will fight to maintain.
The holiday season is finally in full swing! While it is the most wonderful time of year, it may also cause some stress regarding potential weight-gain.
There are so many enticing headlines that promise unrealistic and unhealthy goals. You really shouldn’t try to lose weight too fast.
The new year often means a new chance at a fresh start for many people. It is the best time to set health and weight loss goals as you are pushed by a renewed motivation.
Exercise and nutrition have always been grouped together as key components for a healthy lifestyle.
Because I constantly write about health, nutrition, and weight-loss, it’s pretty easy for people with a few extra pounds to feel like their body is inadequate and that they need to change it. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
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